Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) | Syracuse University CTLE Video

A Guide to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | University of Minnesota Center for Educational Innovation 

Books – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) | University of Iowa Library Guide

SoTL | A Guide from the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching

SoTL Research Methodologies: A Guide to Conceptualizing and Conducting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Routledge

Teaching Journals Directory | Kennesaw State University Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Discipline-Specific SoTL and Discipline-Based Research (DBR) Journals

The American Biology Teacher

Bilingual Research Journal

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

CBE-Life Sciences Education

College English

Communication Teacher

Composition Studies

Computer Science Education

The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education

The History Teacher

Journal of Accounting Education

Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

The Journal of Economic Education

Journal of Education for Business

Journal of Entrepreneurship Education

Journal of Geoscience Education

Journal of Legal Studies Education

Journal of Marketing Education

Journal of Teacher Education

Music Educators Journal

Sport, Education and Society

The Physics Teacher

Teaching Anthropology

Teaching History: A Journal of Methods

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Sociology

Multidisciplinary SoTL Journals

Active Learning in Higher Education

Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning

College Teaching

International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Insight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching

Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education

Journal on Excellence in College Teaching

Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology

New Directions for Teaching and Learning – Wiley Online Library

Teaching and Learning Inquiry

Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy

Teaching Conferences

International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Lilly Conference

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference

SoTL Commons Conference

Summit for Online Leadership and Administration + Roundtable (SOLA+R) and Distance Teaching & Learning Conference (DT&L)

Teaching Conferences Directory | Kennesaw State University Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Teaching & Learning Conferences | Elon University Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Teaching Professor Conference

Further Reading: Getting Started Doing SoTL 

Becoming a SoTL Scholar | Elon University Center for Engaged Learning

Becoming a SoTL Scholar | Tea for Teaching

Getting Started with SoTL | Tufts University Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching

Getting Started with SoTL |University of Georgia Center for Teaching and Learning

Getting Started with SoTL Projects by Documenting Your Teaching |New York University

Principles of Good Practice in SoTL | Teaching and Learning Inquiry

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Resources | University of Cincinnati Libraries

What is SoTL? | Elon University Center for Engaged Learning