DEIA Workshop Series

This series of workshops designed for Syracuse University faculty will heighten awareness of and provide worthwhile practice with issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access as they relate to the college classroom.

Establishing Civility and Positive Climate in Your Teaching Environment
Asynchronous via Blackboard
This workshop affords participants a chance to explore strategies for fostering civil behavior and positive climate in their courses. Please register online to participate.

Identifying and Reducing Implicit Bias in Pedagogical Decision-Making
Asynchronous via Blackboard
This workshop affords participants a chance to explore some common types of implicit bias as they relate to education and fosters opportunities to think through ways to reduce these types of bias in higher education courses. Please register online to participate.

Navigating Challenges of Diversity in the Classroom
Asynchronous via Blackboard
Work through reality-based classroom scenarios dealing with issues of diversity and inclusion using a framework designed to build equity literacy. Please register online to participate.

Problematizing Identity and Intersectionality on the College Campus
Asynchronous via Blackboard
Explore the topics of identity and intersectionality as they relate to college teaching and learning. Please register online to participate.

Transparent Teaching: An Evidence-Based Inclusive Practice
Asynchronous via Blackboard
Evidence shows that making assignments transparent can positively impact students’ course performance and remove barriers to student success. Transparent teaching practices help to make classrooms inclusive and to create equitable learning experiences. Please register online to participate.